Aviara Golf Club 7-20-22 *Event Full*

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Active Tour Players can play in all events with our Heroes and save $30 on all Hero Games purchases
Registration begins at 11am – Shotgun Start 1pm
Questions: (833) 287-3787 Admin@Herogolftour.com
Bookings are closed for this event.
are there any openings for this event?
We’re officially sold out, but we’re seeing if we can open up some more spots. Stay tuned…
Staying tuned!
When did this event open for registration? Torrey is 30 days prior, what happened here?
It recently opened up and filled up in a flash. We are currently trying to reserve more spots.
interested in this if more spots open up
Hi Rommel. All spots are filled except for our Active Guardian level players. Go here for more info: https://herogolftour.com/join/
Interested as well if more spots open.
Hi Blake. All spot are filled except for our Active Guardian level p[layers. Go here for more info: https://herogolftour.com/join/
I’d like to planning this event if spots open up … let me know
Michael, you’re a hero guardian, you should be able to register.
Is there still a plan to open more spots. My friends and I were trying to join together and the two of them got spots and I couldn’t.
Spots are full. Only a few spots available for Hero Guardians. Look at the activation page for more info. Thanks!
I would like to sign up for the Aviara tournament
Hi Alan, all spots are spoken for at this point. Please have a look at our other tournaments. We’d love to see you out there!
Thank you very much!
I’d like to join in so please let me know if you guys are adding more. Thank you
Will do. We also have many other tournament spots open for other courses.
I booked this event the first day it opened and for some reason I did not get in. I remember getting a confirmation but it is not listed on my booked events. I know it is now sold out, but if there is anyway you can get me a spot it would be appreciated. TIA, Wayne Hoshizaki.
I’m interested if you get more spots. Text me at 951-216-8677. Thanks, Eddie Simmons
Hi, I would like resevre a space for Aviara please.
Sold out, but you’re on the wait list
I would like a spot pls. 9518370037
Sold out, but we’ll put you on the waitlist
Okay thank you much 👍🏽
is there a waitlist to sign up for?