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The lifelong solution to PTSD suicide ideation. Over 3,000 "5 star" reviews. There is the most important and effective give back to our heroes.

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The Acts Ministry Vision Acts Ministry has been called for 23 years to facilitate the New Testament commandment to make disciples of all nations; as the first comprehensive model of discipleship that has proven to heal our Heroes, restore families, and begin to heal our nation as we prepare for the return of Christ.

Road through the golf course at sunset in autumn. Aerial view

Mission 1

We lose over 30 Heroes a day to suicide, more than 200,000 since 911.

We raise awareness and provide free professional Christian counseling to those that are suffering, train them to save others that are lost, host hundreds of free recreational therapy golf events, and offer employment opportunities.

Our Heroes receive free and immediate support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Our mission is to save over 8,000 veterans & first responders each year from PTSD suicide.

Resurrection concept:Crucifixion Of Jesus Christ Cross At Sunset

Mission 2
Worldwide Discipleship

Build a platform that supports the Great Commission in creating disciples and training leaders to mentor others with similar real-life experiences.
(under construction)

Train, certify and employ millions of Christians to operate discipleship ministries with salaries and benefits nationwide.

Expand discipleship model worldwide employing trained and passionate ministry leadership of Biblical proportion.

Group of school children with teacher on field trip in nature, learning science.

Mission 3
Neighborhood outreach 

Canvassing neighborhoods across the nation in our mission to accomplish The Great Commission providing every neighbor with free family counseling and a guaranteed job training and ministry job placement with a salary for everyone that accepts our Father as their Lord and Savior. A never before loving offer to our neighbors as we partner with local churches and Christian Business owners to provide a great purpose for those who are feeling isolated and need an escape from “dis-social media” or have always longed for a career ministry with pay.

The plan to save our Heroes


Over 22 PTSD Military Suicides Every Day

In 2021, research found that 30,177 active duty personnel and veterans who served in the military after 9/11 have died by suicide – compared to the 7,057 service members killed in combat in those same 20 years.  Military suicide rates are four times higher than deaths that occurred during military operations.

Why Is This Happening?

Beyond all measures to help save our heroes, the suicide rate has not dropped.

Our Plan to Save Lives

Our methodology is based on a long lost art of Christian mentoring. Healing is found through helping others and a greater purpose.


“For anyone reading this review, know that Dr C can help you. He knows the scriptures to direct you toward. He is also encouraging, but also honest and direct. He picked up the phone the first time I called. He was very helpful to me.”

J. M.

“Thank you, brother! These are great words of encouragement. I have already seen the Lord move and I know He has got my back through all this.  Thank you for standing with me!”

Veteran, S. W
Fort Worth, TX

“Hi Pastor Christian, I am sending sincere heart prayers and thanks for you, from a mothers heart I wanted you to know how thankful I am for you being so conscientious and for seeing my son in such a crisis time and I am saying extra special prayers for you this evening. What a hero you are to drop everything and see my son, a wounded soldier, and also my favorite hero.”

Veteran's Mother, A. M
San Diego, CA

“I want to thank you for saving my marriage. You gave me exactly what I needed to hear and my wife and I are back to church together and our family is back together too!”  

Riverside, CA

The Founder’s son is an Army Medic, a deployed soldier, a man of God, and a true hero…

“Growing up I watched as my father transformed and reunited people of all walks through his counseling. I witnessed marriages preserved and restored, Christians led back to the faith, and atheists newly claim the name of Jesus as their savior. Without a doubt, I can say my father directly prevented the loss of life of many veterans struggling with PTSD and the search for purpose in their trauma. None of it could have been possible without a vision God gave him years ago, the Acts Ministry. Working with my dad in the Hero Golf Program has been fulfilling, exciting, and at many times touching. The kindness, generosity, and gratitude I have been shown during Hero golf events was humbling and deeply appreciated. It’s an incredible opportunity to both serve God and our country through the Hero Program. Now more than ever our service members and first responders need real help and treatment. I believe this ministry is uniquely equipped to support those in their journey for healing. The Lord continues to bless the Acts Ministry with wonderfully talented and passionate heroes, serving heroes! As an American, a follower of Christ, and a United States soldier, I am proud to be part of this team!” 

Maverick Topper-Snyder

“I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday. Thanks again so very much not only for the wonderful new and inspiring opportunity you offered me in ministry, which I’m really looking forward to especially so I can help some of my fellow brothers struggling with many of the issues that I have over the last 30 years since I’ve been out of the Marines, but also thank you so much for bringing me closer to God and rescuing me from the desperate situation that I thought I was in when I was considering taking my own life. I know it’s never the answer but I just felt so alone like there was no other way out but I realize it’s actually just a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Thinking back on it now, I realize what a stupid decision it was and now that you and God have basically rescued my soul I’m eternally grateful and for the new opportunity to save others like me through the Acts Ministry that I’m really looking forward to. I’ve been reflecting on my favorite Bible verse this morning from Philipians 4:13 and need to remind myself of its saving truth more often since “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” Thanks again so very much for taking almost 3 hours out of your busy day to devote to helping me restore my faith & rescue my soul. It means more to me than you’ll ever know. I’m thoroughly looking forward to the future now, not only to many more meaningful conversations with u but also to serving God with u and helping to rescue the souls of so many of my brothers in arms around the world struggling with ptsd also. So, its my hope &  prayer that God will continue to bless u & the Acts Ministry abundantly.”

“I do counseling, which is similar but you are in a league way above mine, and just gotta say, your a good man and your words helped give me guidance and direction.  I thought you would be another “Psych” and found that to be quite wrong.  I’m glad I called,  and if you or someone you would recommend for my guys that are “out of my scope” that I could send them to, when you get time if you know of anyone like you- would appreciate their names.  I have clients that need much more than I have to offer.  
Thank you again Doctor C. “

If you or someone you know needs help

All Military Professional Counseling/Mentoring and Family Support services are provided at no cost.
Call our Military & First Responders PTSD Hotline:
833-287-3787 (National Toll-Free)

Questions about tournaments?

Please reach out to 833-287-3787

Hero Golf Tour