Buckhorn Springs Golf Club *Season 3 Opener* 10-6-22 ***EVENT FULL***

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Guardian Early Registration Opens Sept. 7
Standard Registration Sept. 14-28
Check-In at 9:45 am
Shotgun Start 10:45 am
(833) 287-3787 Admin@Herogolftour.com
This event is fully booked. Please check for other Hero Golf Tour events.
I’d like to register for this event. This will be my first tournament with the Hero League. How do I register for this event at Buckhorn Springs?
I would like to as well, I haven’t seen any talk about the registration. The course is in great shape. Hopefully we can register soon….
Finally got into the website. Would also like to register for Buckhorn if still able.
would you put in buckhorn my booking
I’’d like to register for this event. This will be my first tournament with the Hero League. How do I register for this event at Buckhorn Springs?
Hi Levinski, call our Golfer Assistance Desk at 833-287-3787 M-F 8am-7:30pm, and they can walk you through registering.
Harold Hardemon, was on standby list for Buckhorn 10/6, did I make it?
You made it! Confirmation was sent to our email. See you Thursday.
Michael Hendryx
Sr Regional Director, SE Region