Bear Creek (West) Golf Course 6-22-22 (Sold Out)

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Please support our ability to bring our Heroes out for free by becoming an Active Tour Player with a $22 monthly donation
Active Tour Players can play in all events with our Heroes and save $30 on all Hero Games purchases
Registration begins at 6:15am – Shotgun begins at 8:00
Questions: (833) 287-3787
Bookings are closed for this event.
This is the greatest tour for veterans, just to meet and play with true American Heroes is an honor and pleasure to be apart of this organization. I’m truly blessed to be among these men. To Curtis and Scott, GREAT JOB GUYS…
We are thankful to have you Sir! It is always enjoyable getting to spend time with you!
How does this work? I’ve been registered for a while but haven’t been able to make it out. So do I just show up and say I’m a veteran and here for hero tour? Thanks guys!
My friend, I’m just one of the players, but go to the website and register for a tournament! Like Bear Creek, coming up! It’s a blast! If you need someone with experience in the HGT, just ask around for Scott Macdonald. I’ve played several of these events, surely someone knows who I am. Or just ask Curtis or Scott (the guys who register players at the events) to point me out, I’m more than willing to help you get acclimated.
Already registered for it! Thanks buddy, will look for ya man.
Yeah my friend!
Thanks Scott! Looking forward to meeting you TJ.
Same to you. Are carts available or do we walk. Just so I know if I have to bring my walking bag. Thanks y’all.
Hi TJ, We will have Carts. See you Wednesday!
I’m pretty sure I registered again and activated my Tour status again. I should already be registered for Bear Creek. PayPal paid it said 2 weeks ago. I’m definitely wanting to play at Cowboys next month. Call me if my activation didn’t work.