Points Values
Regular season tournaments with more than five participants in a flight, points will be awarded accordingly, Hero Games required:
1st Place Flights in flight will be awarded Two hundred (200) points
2nd Place Flights in flight will be awarded One hundred-fifty (150) points
3rd Place Flights in flight will be awarded One hundred (100) points
4th Place Flights in flight will be awarded Seventy-five (75) points
5th Place Flights in flight will be awarded Fifty (50) point
Regular season tournaments with five or less participants in a flight, points will be awarded accordingly, Hero Games required:
1st Place Flights in flight will be awarded One hundred-fifty (150) points
2nd Place Flights in flight will be awarded One hundred (100) points
3rd Place Flights in flight will be awarded Seventy-five (75) point
Regular season tournaments, points will be awarded team wins accordingly, Hero Games required:
1st Place Teams in flight will be awarded Fifty (50) points
2nd Place Teams in flight will be awarded Twenty-five (25) points
Hero Games Participation (100)
G22 – Hold the Green (50) points
F22 – Hold the Fairway (50) points
Hole in One (1000) points