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Executive Staff
Our team of Pastors, Counselors, Therapists, and Mentors work together to build life-giving and life-long relationships serving those who are in need.
A. Christian V. Snyder III, PHD-IP, MDIV
CEO, Acts Ministry Inc
Founder, Acts Ministry Inc
Founder, PTSDheroes.org and Good Samaritan News (GSN)©
Founder, The Hero Golf Tour, Guardian Golf, LLC, and Hero Days™
Christian holds a Masters Degree in Divinity; Masters Degree in Pastoral Counseling – Summa Cum Laude, Liberty University Theological Seminary; completed a Masters in Christian Leadership, a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling pending matriculation earning a Ph.D. in Ministry Counseling and Traumatolgy, Northwestern University and Theological Seminary, a Scholastic Dissertation Award, The Christian Solution to PTSD; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Northern Arizona University, and holds a Masters Certification in Global Missions and a Masters Certification in Social Media from Liberty University. “Dr C” is not a medical doctor or licensed therapist with reliance on 14 years of research, successfully mentoring, and counseling hundreds of the most difficult cases of human trials. Acts Ministry is a counseling & mentoring ministry that is in co-operation with but reaches beyond current psychotherapies and psychiatric treatments.
Christian is a past Charter President of Rotary International and a dedicated philanthropist throughout his professional career. He has dedicated his life to funding and servicing this absolute solution to every human trial.
“Acts had been a calling for many years; but like so many of us that get caught up in the challenges of life only to miss the whole purpose of life. The secret for any person to feel complete is to serve others. The change from a focus on self to a trained practice of serving and mentoring others is a powerful awakening and healing for our Heroes with post-traumatic stress and virtually any other human condition.
When we replace those painful memory triggers with hope and purpose we bring healing to our Heroes who suffer from PTSD. We can teach any Christian PTSD client to become a Discliper/Mentor and bring great purpose for the trauma that would otherwise destroy these great Heroes. The qualification for mentoring anyone with PTSD is when the mentor is also experienced with their own PTSD. Our true credentials for mentoring others begin with our own trials. My own trauma came from being falsely prosecuted in 1998, and under extreme duress, much like President Trump a local leftist DA twisting the law, and forced to lie pleading guilty to abstract business and professions code violations. The Lord knew that I would never voluntarily walk away from my “successful business” and by His loving hand, He stripped me of all worldly possessions, even lost my wife and son for years. And like so many times in Biblical history, He even changed my name to “Christian” through a messenger that was not even a believer! He knew exactly how to change my name and my heart. I needed to feel the similar persecution and imprisonment as our wrongly imprisoned Apostles. I needed to feel what it is like to be falsely accused as with our Lord and precious Saviour. I bled and nearly died in prison when I fought to stop a gang murder hit on a fellow inmate. I had crossed a line and my life was in great danger for years. My Lord would save me more than once with His amazing grace and supernatural interventions that have been confirmed and published in my upcoming book sharing dozens of stories about the heroes that came to me with devastaing triggers destroying their lives. The false imprisonment was necessary for God to finally become my first true ministry where such empirical wisdom could never have been accomplished in my “dream life” in our “free society;” where Christianity, including me, had become lukewarm and disobedient to The Great Commission.
The Lord gave me this Ministry vision 27 years ago when I was thrown in jail, beaten and bleeding with a ruptured eardrum, cracked ribs, teeth knocked out, and after many hours of praying on a concrete floor, I was finally shackled and taken to their “hospital room” where the Lord saved me again. As a Type 1 diabetic, those years of pain and sickness due to a prison system’s refusal of proper medical treatment were all necessary (James 1:2-4) for the Lord to fully break my prideful spirit of independence, and lead me into seminary where I created this powerful and successful healing methodology. The Acts mentoring/discipleship solution to every human trial is a long-lost ancient New Testament teaching that psychology, religion, medicine, and science have largely missed. To completely heal from past trauma, fears, anxiety, anger, addictions, divorce, resentment, grief, and every human emotional weakness; we must discover God’s purpose in life’s trials. We must embrace 2 Corinthians 5:17 to become complete. We must address both the physiological and spiritual components of humanity. When we deny that our DNA is embedded with a soul that needs to serve, then we become just another self-centered creature. We can become introverted and even narcissistic. In our own pain, we become useless towards caring about others and we simply cannot feel purpose without serving others. My PTSD clients actually heal me.”
Casey Fairbairn-Snyder
Executive Secretary
Acts Ministry Board Member
Minister of CRPS Discipleship
Administration Executive
“As a research scientist for many years it was rewarding work, yet Acts has given us all greater purpose and with a hope for complete healing to everyone that joins our programs. Welcome, and we are here for you,”

Ken Rustrum
Administration – IT
Acts Ministry Board Advisor
Software Developer and founder of Vituramis software consulting firm.
Ken has prepared the Acts Ministry to go beyond what was first imagined with the proper foresight and planning. Has been serving on the Acts team for several years.

Acts Ministry Legal Team
Steven D. Goodspeed, Partner
Professional Legal Firm: My Church Law Firm
Steven Goodspeed graduated from The University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts in Letters (with Distinction) and earned his dual-degree Juris Doctor and Masters in Business Administration from The University of Oklahoma College of Law and Price College of Business in Norman, Oklahoma in 1999. Steven has been a member of the National Association of College and University Attorneys, specializing in the legal needs of private Christian schools and colleges and served as in-house General Counsel and Director of Human Resources for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas for over three years. Steven also served at a nonprofit substance abuse and gang violence prevention nonprofit organization right after college as a research analyst working on emerging drugs and their impact on various community groups. This varied experience serving directly on staff at nonprofit organizations informs a practical, efficient, and solution-focused approach to serving nonprofit clients at a high level with an understanding of your real-world, practical and ministerial considerations with the legal issues being addressed.
“If you need a lawyer and servant of the Lord, Steven Goodspeed will become that blessing you are looking for.” Pastor Christian

Acts Ministry Accounting Firm,
501 C (3) Administration, & Non-Profit Consulting
The Acts Organization has retained this top IRS regulations and financial firm for over 7 years utilizing their 25 years of experience managing hundreds of 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations. Be confident that your donations and support will help save lives and is fully tax-deductible in accordance with all IRS 501 C (3) regulations.
- IRS - 501c3
- Secretary of State - Certificate of Status
- Articles of Incorporation
- Acts IRS 501