The Acts Ministry Vision Acts Ministry has been called for 23 years to facilitate the New Testament commandment to make disciples of all nations; as the first comprehensive model of discipleship that has proven to heal our Heroes, restore families, and begin to heal our nation as we prepare for the return of Christ.

Mission 1
We lose over 30 Heroes a day to suicide, more than 200,000 since 911.
We raise awareness and provide free professional Christian counseling to those that are suffering, train them to save others that are lost, host hundreds of free recreational therapy golf events, and offer employment opportunities.
Our Heroes receive free and immediate support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our mission is to save over 8,000 veterans & first responders each year from PTSD suicide.

Mission 2
Worldwide Discipleship
Build a platform that supports the Great Commission in creating disciples and training leaders to mentor others with similar real-life experiences.
(under construction)
Train, certify and employ millions of Christians to operate discipleship ministries with salaries and benefits nationwide.
Expand discipleship model worldwide employing trained and passionate ministry leadership of Biblical proportion.

Mission 3
Neighborhood outreach
Canvassing neighborhoods across the nation in our mission to accomplish The Great Commission providing every neighbor with free family counseling and a guaranteed job training and ministry job placement with a salary for everyone that accepts our Father as their Lord and Savior. A never before loving offer to our neighbors as we partner with local churches and Christian Business owners to provide a great purpose for those who are feeling isolated and need an escape from “dis-social media” or have always longed for a career ministry with pay.
The plan to save our Heroes
Over 22 PTSD Military Suicides Every Day
Why Is This Happening?
Our Plan to Save Lives
The lifelong solution to PTSD suicide ideation is our 14-year commitment to research and professional counseling practice.
1,000+ “5 star” reviews. Perfect 5-star rating and 100% score as a recommended employer on Indeed.
One of our thousand plus 5 star reviews: “A blessing! This organization is an incredible family of passionate and good hearted people! We are faithful to our cause and even raise all of the funding to support our Military and First Responders PTSD patients.”